Monday, October 19, 2009

Simon Jacob Finkelstein

Both Simon and his wife, Sylvia, would tell you the same thing – they weren’t merely floating on a cloud that afternoon when they fell in love traveling down a mountain. It was more than that. As the most romantic love movies point out, being together felt like “home.”

This mutual feeling would sustain Simon and Sylvia through all of the difficult times they went on to share. When there is respect between two people, the special bond of love simply cannot be broken or even eroded over time. Sylvia always acknowledged, however, to her female friends who desired to find the “right man,” that Simon really was different. She would admit to them that even she had given up hope of ever finding someone like her beloved Simon.

Upon meeting him, Sylvia immediately cherished Simon’s love for tradition, knowing that most of the men of her generation did not have families who rooted them in anything but those things originated in sin, such as the love of money and the condition of heart lust for the female species.

For a man like Simon, it was not difficult to make his wife feel like the most beautiful woman in the world, even when she was no longer physically the wife of his youth. You see, Simon loved his G-d immensely, thus, throughout his life he was changed within the heart, into the image of his Lord, through the power of the Holy Spirit. Just as his ancestor, King David, once had been too.

Simon Jacob Finkelstein died at age 90 of natural causes. He was buried near Mount Moriah where his beloved wife, Sylvia, will join him one day.